Kava, scientifically named Piper Methysticum, is a plant-based beverage native to the South Pacific islands. Used as a ceremonial beverage by the native population for over 2,500 years, Kava was renowned for its abilities to induce profound relaxation and sense of wellbeing while also enhancing social interaction.
And by relaxation, we don’t mean like a cup of chamomile tea– Kava has an uncanny ability to relieve even the most persistent anxiety. Many people who consume Kava feel an almost immediate wave of peacefulness wash over their bodies, clearing the mind and physically relaxing the muscles.
Kava contains many complex molecules which, in conjunction, work to reduce overthinking/worrying and restore a quiet mind allowing you to focus only on the thoughts that you wish to think. When the weight of anxiety is removed from the mind, you can feel free to express yourself more openly and therefore benefit from richer social interactions.
This miracle plant also acts as a natural analgesic relieving pain and tenseness from the body. If you are often distracted from peace of mind by physical pain, tense muscles, or too many unwanted thoughts, Kava may be a natural way for you to improve your life!
Kava has been shown to be highly effective at inducing deep sleep in many suffering from insomnia. It won’t make you tired during the day when you normally wouldn’t be sleeping, but once you lay your head down, expect an even deeper sleep than you’re used to.
Unlike all other plant medicines, the more often you use Kava, the stronger its beneficial effects become. This is to say the first time you try it, the effects will not be as strong as they will be the second time. If you’d like to experience what Kava has to offer you on your first time trying it, we recommend drinking 8-12oz. For this reason, we offer a discount for those who are trying Kava for the first time!
In Fiji where the plant originates, the local population says BULA! before taking a sip of this ancient remedy. We invite you to participate in this custom! BULA!
If you have consumed alcohol within the past 6 hours, or plan on consuming alcohol within the next 6 hours, forego the use of Kava and wait for another day to try it: the two should not be combined! If you are taking any pharmaceutical medications, check with your doctor before combining them with Kava. We will be happy to give you a 50% off discount card to enjoy the benefits of Kava on a later date if you let us know you’re interested but have recently consumed alcohol!